Debt Consolidation Loans
Home Improvement Loans
Car Loans
Holiday Loans
Business Loans
Home Equity Loans
Education Loans
Payday Loans
Wedding Loans
Bridging Loans
Loans for £1000
Loans for £3000
Loans for £10000
Loans for £25000
Loans for £50000
Graduate Loans
Unregulated Loans
Tenant Loans
Homeowner Loans
Cosmetic Surgery Loans
Boat Loans
Computer Loans

Visitors to this website are advised that Apply-4-Loans DOES NOT deal in Mortgages or Remortgages. We only offer unsecured loans and secured loans (as second charge).

Homeowner | Defaults |
Tenants | Refused already |
Bad Credit History | CCJs |
Arrears | No Equity |

Secured Loans: TYPICAL 10.9 % APR VARIABLE
Majority of the customers pay less than 10.9% APR.Our rates vary from 7.9% APR Varaiable to 19.9% APR Varaiable. The highest rate is for customers with severe credit problems.
Unsecured Loans: TYPICAL 19.9 % APR VARIABLE
Majority of the customers pay less than 19.9% APR. Our rates vary from 7.4% APR Varaiable to 41% APR Varaiable. The highest rate is for customers with severe credit problems.
Loans For A Dream Wedding
Weddings are once in a life time occasion. Obviously, we wish them to be as memorable as possible. As usual, it is the financial aspect which proves to be the visible hitch towards its fulfilment. Wedding Loans are the way out and we, at apply-4-loans help you make the provisions for the same. Wedding Loans can help you cover each and every nuance of the wedding; from the Dress to the Honeymoon it provides an immense sense of relief to you.
Wedding Loans can be categorized as:
• Secured Wedding Loans: This type of loan is secured against your house or property. A good option for homeowners, it comes with the flexible repayment terms and the lower interest rates.
• Unsecured Wedding Loans: Especially, devised for the tenants, sans any property. It comes with higher interest rates. The decision to take a Wedding Loan needs to be discussed between the couple and a mutual decision arrived at. One major pre-requisite of a Wedding Loan is to calculate the amount that may be needed to cover the costs. Factors such the amount of money the couple can contribute themselves and whether their parents, family, friends are willing to contribute an amount in lieu of gifts, also need to be taken into account.
Assisting you to procure both types of Wedding Loans, are our privileged network of lenders. They provide monthly and flexible repayment options to suit your budget.
Filling up of a stepwise online application form is the first step towards the procurement of our Wedding Loans. We forward the same to our Lenders to help you on the way. Their processing department ensures that you have the wedding that you have always dreamed about.