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Home Improvement Loans
Car Loans
Holiday Loans
Business Loans
Home Equity Loans
Education Loans
Payday Loans
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Bridging Loans
Loans for £1000
Loans for £3000
Loans for £10000
Loans for £25000
Loans for £50000
Graduate Loans
Unregulated Loans
Tenant Loans
Homeowner Loans
Cosmetic Surgery Loans
Boat Loans
Computer Loans

Visitors to this website are advised that Apply-4-Loans DOES NOT deal in Mortgages or Remortgages. We only offer unsecured loans and secured loans (as second charge).
Financial Articles
0 An Insight into Personal Loans
Most of us find it a Herculean task to make ends meet, leave alone fulfilling all our personal wants and desires. So, what do we do then? Bury all our desires and wants because of lack of funds? [View Full Article]
0 An Overview of Bridging Loans
Are you caught in a situation where you have got your eyes set on a beautiful house with a big garden? But the problem is that you can’t find a customer to sell your existing house… [View Full Article]
0 Education Loans……………enlighten your life with the right education
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”
And to keep the fire burning educational degrees are a prerequisite factor.[View Full Article]
0 Holiday Loans – Relish the Beauty of Nature
What’s a life if there is time no time to enjoy nature? What’s a life if there is no time for pleasure?
Are you desperate to break free from the programmed life…[View Full Article]
0 Payday Loans………fulfills your urgent needs
There are times when you need cash urgently and instantly until your next payday. Payday Loans can come to your rescue in such situations when you are struggling…[View Full Article]
0 Uncovering Bad Credit Personal Loans
Days are not far when Bad Credit history will have as much financing options as good credit history. In yester years, bad credit was considered as a thing to be ashamed of.[View Full Article]
0 Education Loans – Road to a Bright Future
Education loans are very important for students pursuing higher education. The tuition fee of professional education is very high.[View Full Article]
0 Bridging Loans – For Personal & Business Needs
A bridging loan is a short term finance that is used to bridge the gap between a buy and a sell transaction. It pays for your new property before you sell your old one. [View Full Article]
0 A Cosmetic Surgery Loan Can Make You Look Better
People are never satisfied with what they have. There is always an urge to have more. People want more money, more success, more fame, etc. [View Full Article]
0 Loans for Home Improvement & Renovation
Home improvement includes house repairs as well as house renovation. House repairing is an ongoing process for many people.[View Full Article]