Graduate Loans

Visitors to this website are advised that Apply-4-Loans DOES NOT deal in Mortgages or Remortgages. We only offer unsecured loans and secured loans (as second charge).

TenantsRefused already
Bad Credit HistoryCCJs
ArrearsNo Equity

Secured Loans: TYPICAL 10.9 % APR VARIABLE
Majority of the customers pay less than 10.9% APR.Our rates vary from 7.9% APR Varaiable to 19.9% APR Varaiable. The highest rate is for customers with severe credit problems.
Unsecured Loans: TYPICAL 19.9 % APR VARIABLE
Majority of the customers pay less than 19.9% APR. Our rates vary from 7.4% APR Varaiable to 41% APR Varaiable. The highest rate is for customers with severe credit problems.

Graduate Loans

Graduate Loans help graduates start out in the world. While the competitive ambience brings the best in them, they need to sustain the pace. Perchance, some have the means to pay their way through, but in most cases it is impossible without solid financial backup, a domain we make a habit to understand. bring to you with the help off our lenders a tempting package of Graduate Loans which are suitable to meet your needs. People can apply for any amount they think is essential. Graduate Loans are loaded with a large number of benefits.

Some of the benefits for you to consider are following:

. Graduate Loans can be used for a variety of reasons.

. Graduate Loans offer a competitive rate of interest.

. Graduate Loans are easy to access.

Graduate Loans offer a solution in case you need some money to pay off your consolidate and pay off your education expenses, raise a deposit on a flat, buy working clothes, and various other expenses that need to be taken care of when you start on a career. Graduate Loans are useful when money becomes an important consideration and which you do not have at the time you require it. apply-4-loans has tied up with major lenders to help you offer a complete range of competitive Graduate Loans adaptable to your unique circumstances. You can repay the amount on a periodic basis, the terms and conditions of which you can discuss with the lender.

Fulfill all your education requirements and needs by filling up the form alongside for a Graduate Loan.