Education Loans

Visitors to this website are advised that Apply-4-Loans DOES NOT deal in Mortgages or Remortgages. We only offer unsecured loans and secured loans (as second charge).

TenantsRefused already
Bad Credit HistoryCCJs
ArrearsNo Equity

Secured Loans: TYPICAL 10.9 % APR VARIABLE
Majority of the customers pay less than 10.9% APR.Our rates vary from 7.9% APR Varaiable to 19.9% APR Varaiable. The highest rate is for customers with severe credit problems.
Unsecured Loans: TYPICAL 19.9 % APR VARIABLE
Majority of the customers pay less than 19.9% APR. Our rates vary from 7.4% APR Varaiable to 41% APR Varaiable. The highest rate is for customers with severe credit problems.

Loans For Education

The rocketing amounts charged as fees in the schools & colleges make one dizzy. Your search for the funds takes you to numerous lenders and yet ends in a naught. Perhaps, there was never enough time to check their credentials.

apply-4-loans had these things in mind, while partnering with our lenders who have devised appropriate packages of Education Loans for you. Education Loans can be secured or unsecured. Each has its own benefits. In the case of Secured Education Loans the scenario entails affixing any property of yours as security against the loan amount you borrow. A lower interest rate is charged on such Education Loans as the presence of collateral reduces the risks for the lender and they can provide the Education Loan at such lower interest rates.

There might be instances, where sans any property; you wish to apply for the Education Loans. Perforce, there aren’t many in the market who would offer you an Education Loan suitable to your needs. apply-4-loans does not let this fact deter you. It is a fact that we are in the market to help arrange suitable finances for such situations. All you need to do is to apply and we shall forward it to the appropriate lender.

We are unbiased towards the credit histories and this is the reason we help apply for the Online Education Loans irrespective of the same. As such, we take an objective view of Poor Credit History, County Court Judgements (CCJs), Arrears et al. Providing an added impetus to your child’s educational aspirations are the inputs from our officers to help you decide. Move ahead. Set your dreams towards fruition by applying through the lucid, easy to understand online Education Loan application form.