Debt Consolidation Loans
Home Improvement Loans
Car Loans
Holiday Loans
Business Loans
Home Equity Loans
Education Loans
Payday Loans
Wedding Loans
Bridging Loans
Loans for £1000
Loans for £3000
Loans for £10000
Loans for £25000
Loans for £50000
Graduate Loans
Unregulated Loans
Tenant Loans
Homeowner Loans
Cosmetic Surgery Loans
Boat Loans
Computer Loans

Visitors to this website are advised that Apply-4-Loans DOES NOT deal in Mortgages or Remortgages. We only offer unsecured loans and secured loans (as second charge).

Homeowner | Defaults |
Tenants | Refused already |
Bad Credit History | CCJs |
Arrears | No Equity |

Secured Loans: TYPICAL 10.9 % APR VARIABLE
Majority of the customers pay less than 10.9% APR.Our rates vary from 7.9% APR Varaiable to 19.9% APR Varaiable. The highest rate is for customers with severe credit problems.
Unsecured Loans: TYPICAL 19.9 % APR VARIABLE
Majority of the customers pay less than 19.9% APR. Our rates vary from 7.4% APR Varaiable to 41% APR Varaiable. The highest rate is for customers with severe credit problems.
Loans for £10000
If you are looking for loan for any amount up to £10000 for whatever reason, be it a vacation or to reorganise your finance, buy a car, go in for home improvements or to pursue higher education, we are here to help you get a Loan for £10000.
When you decide to take a Secured Loan for 10000 pounds, you need to provide some property or your home as collateral. This collateral should be worth the money you are taking against the security, such that we may be of help to you. In the case of Unsecured Loans for 10000 pounds, this is not the case as the loan is provided without the requirement of collateral. Though, it must be kept in mind that Unsecured Loans are available at a higher rate of interest than Secured Loans.
apply-4-loans has a wide network of deemed lenders in the UK. They provide a huge array of loan packages including specifically tailored loans like the Loans for 10000 pounds, befitting your specific requirements. We at apply-4-loans think that your credit history should not be a reason for refusal of your application. And so, you can count on us for a Loan for 10000 pounds even if you have Arrears, County Court Judgements (CCJs), Defaults, or Dismal Credit Ratings.
Our lenders offer Loans for 10000 pounds at lower rates of interest. As soon as we receive your application, we verify it and forward the same to our lenders.
With our lenders you can decide on a more flexible mode of repayment. They help offer a sound repayment term for your Loans for 10000 pound that may vary as per the terms and conditions of your loan and also your individual circumstances. Get set to avail Loans for 10000 pounds by filling up the application form alongside.